domingo, 27 de mayo de 2018


Kneeling Superman exercise is a useful and more challenging back strength and stability exercise that provides progression from the prone position. Kneeling position requires more pelvic and spinal control than prone position, and also increases the demand on the shoulder muscles to help stabilise the position.

  • First  : you have to put your knees under your hips and your hands under your shoulders.
  • Second : straight your right hand and your left leg, trying to touch with your right hand, something you have in front of you, and with your left leg, something you have behind you
  • Third : do the same that you did in the second step, but with the other hand and the other leg.
  • Fourth : repeat the second and the third step repeatedly (like 5 times each).
This is the right way to do it.

Made by: Ángela Gómez Cuadrado 2ºC & Nerea Arestizabal Pintor 2ºC.

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